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Succession Planning for Privately vs Family Owned Businesses

Succession Planning For Privately Owned Businesses

Planning for the future starts with the present. Without a family heir(s) to inherit the business, business owners must consider who will be a good fit to acquire the business, or even if the business is in a position to be sold.

Strategic succession planning allows you to create a broad-based plan that addresses the needs and goals of both your business and your future. With early and proper planning, you can maintain control of the transition process and develop the competency of your successor.

Many business owners use the sale of the business as a means of funding their retirement. By working with a trusted advisor, you can understand the value of your business and realistically plan for your future.

Our succession planning team can ensure you are making the right decisions now to protect your assets and secure your financial future. Contact us to discuss your company’s succession plan.

Succession Planning For Family-Owned Businesses

The succession of a family-owned business can be personal and emotional. Family interests and business goals do not always align, so meeting the needs of your family while ensuring the growth and stability of your business requires careful planning.

Succession planning takes more than a few months — it can take years. By starting the conversation now, you can prepare and plan for owner and management transitions that could potentially disrupt the value of your business and your family’s lives.

Our experienced accountants can help you optimize and plan for the future of your family’s business, so you can pass on your legacy. Protect your finances and make sure the future of your business is secure for the next generation — contact us today.

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