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Assurance refers to financial coverage that provides remuneration for an event that is certain to happen. Unlike insurance, which covers hazards over a specific policy term, assurance is permanent coverage over extended periods.

Understanding Our Business Succession Planning Process

Succession Planning: What can I expect?   Our Business Succession Planning Process Succession planning is a complex and multidisciplinary process. We work closely with you to develop a clear strategy and action plan that recognizes your unique …

Succession Planning for Privately vs Family Owned Businesses

Succession Planning For Privately Owned Businesses Planning for the future starts with the present. Without a family heir(s) to inherit the business, business owners must consider who will be a good fit to acquire the business, or even if the …

What is the Value of an Audit?

Many people ask about the genuine value of an audit. Traditionally, an audit not only costs more than a review engagement, but it also consumes more of your staff’s time.

ONCA: Enhancing Options for Not-for-Profit Corporations in Ontario

The Launch of ONCA and the Ontario Business Registry The launch of ONCA was closely tied to the introduction of the Ontario Business Registry (OBR), which also became operational on October 19, 2021. This registry significantly enhances the …

Basic Stages to Starting a New Business

Government regulations aside, it really isn’t that difficult to start a small business if you progress through the appropriate stages. Most challenging is the planning and market research you should do ahead of time to ensure your business will be …

Understanding the Difference:
Audit vs. Review in Accounting

There are three main reasons businesses rely on various financial statements: To allow investors, creditors, and analysts to evaluate the performance of a company. To have the ability to compare companies to each other. To use the financial …

Assurance vs Financial Statements

Regardless of the size of your company, having good financial reporting is essential for both internal and external stakeholders. To enhance the accuracy and validity of financial statements, an assurance engagement provides additional level of …

Important Information - Ontario Annual Information Return

New Ontario Business Registry The new Ontario Business Registry (the “Registry”) is an online platform that digitizes many of the services provided to organizations that carry out business in Ontario. The registry allows businesses and …

Tax Considerations of Incorporating Your Dental Practice

Is it time to open your own practice or revise the structure of your existing dental practice? As with other professions, opening a dental practice can be done through three main structures. Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, or Professional …
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Capital Gains

What is it? A capital gain is a gain realized on the disposition of capital property for tax purposes. Capital gains benefit from a one-half inclusion rate. For example, for a $100 capital gain, only $50 is included as taxable income. Proposed …

Trounce Your Competitors with Disciplined Plans to Expand

When entrepreneurs are running a successful small business, extra available time is scarce due to the various demands. Understandably, they rarely take the time to evaluate the future growth of their company in a disciplined manner.
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What Makes a Good Business Plan?

On March 20, 2012, I had the opportunity to present to a group at the Burlington Chamber of Commerce on the topic of business plans. I thought that the content of my presentation may be of interest to the followers of the SB Partners blog so I’ve …
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Assurance & Advisory Services

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